‘America is a Miracle’ from ‘Simon Jegzs’ continues to soar on Hollywood’s A-List

We’re excited to share that Simon Jegzs’ powerful and melodic new single, “America is a Miracle,” continues to ride high on our esteemed Daily A-List Playlist. Be sure to listen day and night as this inspiring track enjoys a prominent POWERPLAY slot every day at 3 PM Pacific USA time for the next two months.

Simon Jegzs, also known as Simon Ajegi, is an American artist whose passion for songwriting began in his childhood. In addition to his work as a singer and songwriter, Simon has an extensive background in broadcasting, having served as both a radio and television host. He studied Journalism, Communication, and Media in college and has a deep love for sports, particularly soccer, football, and basketball, which he played during his youth.

Driven by a desire to share his music with a wider audience, Simon recorded “America is a Miracle” 10 years ago, a tribute to the American dream. After refining the track, he recently released it to the world. Simon has crafted a distinctive genre known as soul pop, merging elements of soul and pop music. His goal is to connect with a global audience and inspire meaningful change through his music.